LIFEWAY  |  Bible Study Catalogs & Digital Marketing
#catalog #email #digital #site
LIFEWAY  |  Mother's Day Campaign
#campaign #branding #event #digital #email #social #mailer #signage
SEED COMPANY  |  Global Transformation
SHOW HOPE  |  Miracles Book & 20th Anniversary
#annualreport #branding #logo #infographic #social
B&H  |  The Love Dare for Parents & Chasing God
#campaign #branding #digital #social #print
B&H  |  Global Pitch Piece
#brochure #branding #icons #infographics
DEER RUN CAMPS & RETREATS  | Vision Dinner & Mother-Daughter Getaway
#event #branding #logo #campaign #social #signage #presentation #digital #collateral
DEER RUN CAMPS & RETREATS  |  Recruiting Campaign & Annual Report
 #branding #signage #collateral #annualreport
DEER RUN CAMPS & RETREATS  |  Summer Camp Campaigns
#event #branding #logo #campaign #collateral #signage #social
K-LOVE BOOKS  |  The Jesus Music, Behind the Lights & On Our Knees
HOLMAN BIBLES  |  Legacy Notetaking Bible
HOLMAN BIBLES  |  Journal & Draw Bible for Kids & I'm A Christian—Now What?
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